From the website:
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics is the best-selling text for natural resource economics and environmental economics courses, offering a policy-oriented approach and introducing economic theory and empirical work from the field. Students will leave the course with a global perspective of both environmental and natural resource economics and how they interact. Complemented by a number of case studies showing how underlying economic principles provided the foundation for specific environmental and resource policies, this key text highlights what can be learned from the actual experience. This new, 11th edition includes updated data, a number of new studies and brings a more international focus to the subject. Key features include:
- Extensive coverage of the major issues including climate change, air and water pollution, sustainable development, and environmental justice.
- Dedicated chapters on a full range of resources including water, land, forests, fisheries, and recyclables.
- Introductions to the theory and method of environmental economics including externalities, benefit-cost analysis, valuation methods, and ecosystem goods and services.
- Boxed ‘Examples’ and ‘Debates’ throughout the text which highlight global examples and major talking points.
The text is fully supported with end-of-chapter summaries, discussion questions, and self-test exercises in the book and multiple-choice questions, simulations, references, slides, and an instructor’s manual on the Companion Website.
If I taught our upper-level environmental class I would use this book.
From the Resecon listserv via Lynne Lewis:
New to this Edition
In addition to updating the data in the text, tables, and charts, this edition brings a more international focus. It incorporates many new studies, and as noted below, new topics, new figures, new discussion questions, and new examples. Chapters receiving an especially large amount of new material include valuation, energy, water, and climate change.
New or Expanded Topics
- Social cost of carbon (Chapter 3)
- The 2017 contemporary guidelines on best practice for both contingent valuation and choice experiments (Chapter 4)
- The Environmental Valuation Reference Inventory (Chapter 4)
- Choice Experiments and Benefit Transfer (Chapter 4)
- The EU Renewable Energy Directive (Chapter 7)
- Microgrids (Chapter 7)
- Varieties of pay-as-you-throw trash disposal pricing (Chapter 8)
- Plastic disposal bag bans and fees (Chapter 8)
- The EU Water Framework Directive (Chapter 9)
- Full Cost Recovery Pricing (Chapter 9)
- Narco-deforestation (Chapter 11)
- Catch share programs in the United States (Chapter 12)
- European Common Fisheries Policy (Chapter 12)
- Fisheries enforcement: illegal, unreported, and unmanaged fish stocks (Chapter 12)
- _Ecosystem Services Valuation (Chapter 13)
- _A review of existing cap-and-trade programs (Chapter 15)
- _Fuel economy standards in the European Union and other countries (Chapter 16)
- _The economics of bike sharing programs (Chapter 16)
- _The dynamics of the Paris Accord and their impacts on climate change (Chapter 17)
- _The Montreal Protocol and its effect on climate change impacts (Chapter 17)
- _Using the revenue from carbon-pricing programs (Chapter 17)
- _Price collars as a check on price volatility (Chapter 17)
- _The economics of investment in adaptation to a changing climate (Chapter 17)
- _The European Water Framework Directive (Chapter 18)
- _Societal costs of exposure to toxic substances (Chapter 19)
- _The Flint Michigan lead contamination case (Chapter 19)
- _The economics of natural disasters (Chapter 20)
- _The California Global Warming Solutions Act (Chapter 21)
New or Expanded Examples and Debates
- _Climate Change and Water Accessibility: How Are these Challenges Linked?
- _What Is the Proper Geographic Scope for the Social Cost of Carbon?
- _Is the Two for One Rule a Good Way to Manage Regulatory Overreach?
- _The Value of U.S. National Parks
- _Fuel from Shale: The Bakken Experience
- _Energy Efficiency: Rebound and Backfire Effects
- _Thinking about Energy Cost Reduction Outside of the Box: The Boothbay Pilot Project
- _The Economics of Solar Microgrids in Kenya
- _The Cost of Water Conservation: Revenue Stability vs. Equitable Pricing
- _The Changing Economics of Monitoring and Its Role in Invasive Species Management
- _The Swedish Nitrogen Oxide Charge
- _Monitoring and Enforcement: The Volkswagen Experience
- _Fuel Economy Standards When Fuel Prices Are Falling
- _Betting on Climate Science
- _Deepwater Horizon BP Oil Spill—Estimating the Damages
- _Would the Protection of Elephant Populations Be Enhanced or Diminished by Allowing Limited International Trade in Ivory?
- _Enhancing Resilience Against Natural Disasters with Flood Insurance