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I'm on a one year boycott of the Transdisciplinary Journal of the @ISEEORG https://t.co/AgQINNEpOz — John C. Whitehead (@johnwhitehead81) February 5, 2018
I'm on a one year boycott of the Transdisciplinary Journal of the @ISEEORG https://t.co/AgQINNEpOz
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John C. Whitehead, Timothy C. Haab and Ju-Chin Huang: Preference Data for Environmental Valuation
Timothy C. Haab and Kenneth E. McConnell: Valuing Environmental and Natural Resources
Timothy C. Haab and John C. Whitehead: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: An Encyclopedia
John C. Bergstrom and John C. Whitehead: Teaching Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: Paradigms and Pedagogy