Matt Kahn's blog just got boring:
My term as the Chair of USC Economics starts this week. Proper decorum suggests that I should no longer be blogging. I've decided on a compromise path. I will no longer write about current events or politics or my humor. I will write about my own research and about activity at USC Economics. Of course, I will be a cheerleader for USC and readers are free to filter my slanted messages.
Tim hasn't violated "proper decorum" for quite as long but he isn't a former department chair/head yet so he is currently violating it.
I have to say, the professional penalties for violating "proper decorum" have been rather severe. For example, I've been blacklisted from publishing in the top 5 journals for the past 8 years. I'm not sure if the blacklist will be lifted now that I'm a former chair. I guess the only way to find out is to take my most recent and/or best paper, reduce the font, add a 30 page appendix of redundant robustness checks and submit it to the AER.