Interesting read from the Guardian on how even the cherry-picked data against climate change is no longer against climate change (I know the Guardian is just a liberal rag written by those non-EU Brits with an agenda and unlikely to change any deniers' minds because it is probably FAKE NEWS, but still an interesting read):
A new paper just published in the Journal of Climate is a stunning setback for the darling of cherry-picking for contrarian scientists and elected officials. Let’s walk though this so we appreciate the impact.
The vast majority of scientists know that the climate is changing, humans are the main reason, and there are going to be severe consequences. We have decades of measurements that prove our understanding of this process. There is simply no debate or dispute.
Despite this, there are a shrinking number of contrarian scientists, elected officials, and industry representatives that have spent endless time trying to downplay the impact. They have variously argued that the climate isn’t changing, that the changes won’t be very much, or that there are no viable solutions to the problem. Much of their position relies upon finding evidence that the current observations of warming are not great. That is, the Earth is not warming as fast as predictions.
The rest of the article lays out the case and explains how even the cherry-picked University of Alabama Huntsville satellite data, that deniers love to point to as evidence that climate change is a hoax, now shows that, well, it's not a hoax. Without going into the gritty details, here's the new graph (the red line are the new corrected satellite estimates of tropospheric temperatures):