The President is expected to announce that the U.S. is pulling out of the "195-nation agreement on climate change reached in Paris in 2015" at 3 pm:
The United States, with its love of big cars, big houses and blasting air-conditioners, has contributed more than any other country to the atmospheric carbon dioxide that is scorching the planet. ...
A decision to walk away from the [Paris] accord would be a momentous setback, in practical and political terms, for the effort to address climate change.
An American exit could prompt other countries to withdraw from the pact or rethink their emissions pledges, making it much harder to achieve the agreement’s already difficult goal of limiting global warming to a manageable level.
It means the United States — the country with the largest, most dynamic economy — would give up a leadership role when it comes to finding solutions for climate change. ...
Mr. Trump, his Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt and Stephen K. Bannon, a top White House adviser, argue that meeting the terms of the Paris accord will strangle the American economy and lead to major job losses. Many in manufacturing and fossil fuel industries also want the United States to leave the pact, but corporate opinion is deeply split. Quitting Paris was a central Trump campaign pledge.
One should add the phrase, "in spite of the available evidence," to the beginning of the last paragraph. On the other hand there is an economic study [pdf] that estimates 6 million in job losses (hat tip: Sen. Rand Paul). Given sponsor bias, my opinion of that study is not high.