From NPR's fact check of President Trump's Paris Climate Agreement withdrawal speech:
President Trump has repeatedly called the Paris accord a "bad deal" for the U.S. and said it will hurt the economy. One big outlay is the Green Climate Fund set up under the deal. President Barack Obama had committed the U.S. to contributing $3 billion to the fund, which aims to help developing countries adapt to climate change and develop low-emission energy technologies. Under Obama, the U.S. transferred $1 billion, but Trump's budget proposal does not include payments for the rest. But the White House could easily have stayed in the Paris accord even as it opted not to pay into the climate fund or impose emissions cuts. Read more here.
$3 billion is about 0.0732% of the Trump's proposed $4.1 trillion budget. From the Census, the median household income for the United States was $55,775. $3b in government expenditure is the household equivalent of $40.83.