I'm taking this one seriously:
President-Elect Mr. Donald Trump has tweeted that he will require all reviewers for all journals and grant agencies to end all reviews with the word “Sad!”
Trump tweeted that all reviewers should be required to select the wording for their reviews from an approved list of words.
The approved list of words includes “Stupid”, “Dumb”, “Weak”, “Loser”, “Politically Correct”, “Moron”, “Tough”, “Dangerous”, “Bad”, “Lightweight”, “Amazing”, “Huge”, “Tremendous”, “Terrific” and “Out of Control”.
On occasion, reviewers will be allowed to say “Snowflake” and “Classy”.
Reviewers will be prevented from saying why anything is stupid or dumb or what might be done to correct the problem. They will be obliged to only issue vague solutions and these solutions must be four words long at most and readable by a typical eight-year-old. ...
And could we just tweet out our reviews? A 140 character assertion would be a lot easier than the thoughtful page or so that I'm currently attempting.
Hat tip: retractionwatch.com