Thomas Stratmann at (Five Ways to Write a Better Essay):
It’s the end of the semester. Your term paper is due soon. You’re starting to stress about grades. Writing long essays is tiring. A major essay that can make or break your semester grade? That’s stressful and tiring.
DataSplash is here to help! Here are 5 reasons why you need need to use DataSplash to help write your essay that will get a superior grade.
#1: Get a better Grade! These Images Make Your Paper Look Great!
DataSplash takes whatever data you have and creates amazing graphics and tables. Here’s an example of a visualization for a simple difference in means:
Here is the PUMS subsample used for the graphs above. That difference in means test rejects the hypothesis that there is no difference in the average household income for tenants who have lived in the household less than one year compared to others.
These high quality images are perfect content for your essay. Want to stand out from the crowd and get a better grade? This is a step in the right direction.
The other four reasons are: "DataSplash Cures Writer’s Block", "DataSplash Saves Time", "It’s FREE!!" and "It Helps You Learn and Tells You What to Write in Your Essay". It took me about 10 minutes to create an account, load some data and estimate a willingness-to-pay regression model:
It's not hard to imagine how much more effective DataSplash will be for teaching statistics relative to Excel. I'm going to give it a try next semester (MBA managerial economics).