From October 31:
Some outreach of community-based faculty/student research:
[Watauga County] Commissioners heard from High Country Recreation representative Dr. Scott St. Clair and ASU economics professor John Whitehead about the economic benefits of a recreation center. The presentation indicated that a recreation center could generate a $36 million dollar impact on the local economy and there is a 90% chance that the benefits of such a facility would outweigh the costs.
Here is a summary of the report prepared by members of the App State Student Chapter of the National Association for Business Economics:
Nothing can send a shiver down one's spine like this (from the inbox):
I haven't been able to reproduce the estimate of $12.50 per month average consumer surplus from the numbers in the attached. Can you help?
My reply:
See attached. I arrived at $526,848 which is greater than the $470,000 in the report. I'm not sure why but it is the same order of magnitude. If you find a mistake please let me know.
Here is the attachment: