... and I focus primarily on climate change:
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is stepping away from a plank in the Democratic platform endorsing a price for greenhouse gas emissions.
In a concession to supporters of Clinton’s primary rival, Bernie Sanders the party platform committee this weekend embraced language calling for a price on greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, a measure some environmentalists and greens see as key to cutting down on climate change-causing emissions.
Clinton, though, has not said she supports such a policy, and her personal climate change plan does not include a carbon price of any kind.
After the platform committee met this weekend, one of her advisers repeated that she won’t push the measure as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.
“Her plan is clearly articulated on her website," Clinton energy policy adviser Trevor Houser said, The Associated Press reports. "It's not her plan."
via thehill.com
Here is what it says in the Democrat Party Platform [PDF]:
Democrats believe that carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases should be priced to reflect their negative externalities, and to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy and help meet our climate goals. ...
The Clinton platform on climate change says this:
Reduce American oil consumption by a third through cleaner fuels and more efficient cars, boilers, ships, and trucks.
This change will occur with standards (i.e., command and control). In contrast, a more efficient (i.e., cheaper) way to reduce oil consumption and et cetera is with carbon pricing (e.g., carbon tax or cap and trade). So, I recommend that the Clinton campaign reconsider their opposition.