I am an expert in the field of "Stupid and Stupider." From the inbox:
Dear Dr. John Whitehead,
My name is Ellery Willianms, the editorial assistant of Business and Management Studies (ISSN: 2374-5916; E-ISSN: 2374-5924). BMS is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal published by the Redfame Publishing. The journal is published Quarterly (March, June, September and December) in both print and online versions.
I have had an opportunity to read your paper "DUBIOUS AND DUBIOUSER: CONTINGENT VALUATION AND THE TIME OF DAY", and can tell from your work that you are an expert in this field. Therefore, I would like to personally invite you to submit manuscripts to our journal. Business and Management Studies is inviting papers for Vol. 2 No. 3 which is scheduled to be published in September 2016.
Submission Deadline: August 5, 2016.
My data mining has uncovered a weekend effect in stated preference surveys. Maybe the title of this next paper should be "Hopeless and Hopelesser: Contingent Valuation and the Day of the Week"? But, before I get too excited, Redfame Publishing in on Beall's List.
And note, while one of the referees suggested the paper had a real result (it did) and should be written accordingly (I just couldn't bring myself to do it), it is actually a sarcastic/silly take on the contingent valuation debate. So, all you predatory publishers should be reading my real papers to determine if I am an expert in "this" field!