Intergenerational Games with Dynamic Externalities and Climate Change Experiments
Katerina Sherstyuk, Nori Tarui, Majah-Leah V. Ravago, Tatsuyoshi Saijo
Credit Constraints, Technology Upgrading, and the Environment
Dana C. Andersen
Disgust, Shame, and Soapy Water: Tests of Novel Interventions to Promote Safe Water and Hygiene
Raymond P. Guiteras, David I. Levine, Stephen P. Luby, Thomas H. Polley, Kaniz Khatun-e-Jannat, Leanne Unicomb
Incidence, Environmental, and Welfare Effects of Distortionary Subsidies
Garth Heutel, David L. Kelly
Environmental Migration and Labor Markets in Nepal
Jean-François Maystadt, Valerie Mueller, Ashwini Sebastian
What Lies Beneath? Aquifer Heterogeneity and the Economics of Groundwater Management
Eric C. Edwards
Intergenerational Inequality Aversion, Growth, and the Role of Damages: Occam’s Rule for the Global Carbon Tax
Armon Rezai, Frederick Van der Ploeg