Sea turtle eggs! Comment #29 from Referee #2:
Then you call your results "tentative" in the last paragraph – after I’ve pushed through 26 pages of frustrating doubts created by weak exposition. Sorry, I’m really not a happy reader!!
From the punctuation dictionary:
There is some dispute in regards to whether exclamation points belong in formal writing or not. Most conventional grammar rules and grammarians say that they really don’t belong, or at a minimum that they should be used sparingly. All sorts of arguments have been made against the exclamation point- everything from the fact that the writing should create its own emphasis to the belief that an exclamation point will distract the reader. However, some prolific writers do use exclamation points freely in their work and one best selling author, Tom Wolfe, is known for being a big fan of the exclamation point.
Comic books frequently use exclamation points for emphasis and to add excitement to their pages. ...
All I can say is ... I'm really not a happy reader either!!!!