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Marine Resource Economics (MRE) is proud to announce the inaugural winners of the journal’s Publication of Enduring Significance Award: James L. Anderson, awarded for his 1985 article “Market Interactions between Aquaculture and the Common-Property Commercial Fishery,” and Daniel S. Holland and Richard J. Brazee, awarded for their 1996 article “Marine Reserves for Fisheries Management.” The articles will be available to read for free until June 30, 2016.
The new Publication of Enduring Significance Award recognizes articles published in Marine Resource Economics that are important for contemporary researchers and other literature that is built on them, or that remain relevant for current policy issues. Two articles were selected to receive the first award; both articles were ahead of their time and continue to be relevant to current policy issues.
“Market Interactions between Aquaculture and the Common-Property Commercial Fishery,” by James L. Anderson and published in Marine Resource Economics, Volume 2, Issue 1 (1985), won for establishing conceptual links between farm-raised fish and capture fisheries, deriving the implications of growth in aquaculture for wild fish stocks using an elegant bioeconomic model and anticipating the importance of the aquaculture industry for global seafood markets.
“Marine Reserves for Fisheries Management,” by Daniel S. Holland and Richard J. Brazee and published in Marine Resource Economics, Volume 11, Issue 3 (1996), won for launching the economics literature on marine reserves for fisheries management, accurately situating marine reserves as a second-best policy, clearly framing the inter-temporal tradeoffs involved in forming marine reserves, and anticipating most of the issues that subsequent literature explored in greater detail.
Award-winners are selected from the archive of articles published at least eight years ago in any of the journal’s three sections: “Articles,” “Perspectives,” and “Thalassorama.” When a winner is selected, the award is announced every other year in the journal’s second (April) issue.For additional information, or to download the articles, visit here: or follow the links under the titles of the articles above.
Congratulations to Jim, Dan and Richard for this recognition of their significant contributions!