The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), located in Annapolis, Maryland, invites applications for two-year postdoctoral fellowships to begin between May 1 and October 1, 2016.
The SESYNC Postdoctoral Fellowship Program brings early-career scholars to SESYNC to:
- undertake individual research projects,
- participate in the Socio-Environmental Immersion Program, which immerses scholars in theory foundational to understanding socio-environmental systems, and
- enhance their collaborative network, computational skills, and understanding of the science–policy nexus.
Fellows will undertake research projects that advance understanding of socio-environmental systems. Applicants are encouraged to review the SESYNC website for illustrations of socio-environmental systems research topics. We encourage proposed projects that are interdisciplinary, but we also welcome applications that are primarily focused on the economics of natural resources and the environment.