It feels like Christmas Eve (but without baby Jesus):
Obama administration will unveil the finalized version of its unprecedented regulations clamping down on carbon dioxide emissions on Monday. The plans will require every state to reduce emissions from existing coal-burning power plants.
Regulations will require power plants to cut emissions by 32% by 2030, in contrast to 2005 levels.
The final version also gives states an additional two years — until 2022 — to comply, yielding to complaints that the original deadline was too soon. States will also have until 2018 instead of 2017 to submit their plans for how they intend to meet their targets, the Associated Press reports.
And if you don't have anything else to do today, and can't wait until tomorrow, you can read this from RFF' "What to Watch For in EPA’s Final Clean Power Plan" series:
- Timing: An Easy Concession for EPA?
- Inside the Fence: Keep an Eye on Cofiring under the Clean Power Plan
- What Will EPA Do If States Won’t Play Ball?
- The Promises of Multi-State Compatibility
- Controversy over the New Source Rule, but Does It Even Matter?
- More Guidance from EPA on “Outside the Fence” Measures
- Protecting Electricity Reliability
- Can EPA Head Off Legal Challenges?
- Trading
- When Do New Plants Exist?