From the inbox:
Dear Dr. John C. Whitehead,
Your interesting published article "A Split-Sample Revealed and Stated Preference Demand Model to Examine Homogenous Subgroup Consumer Behavior Responses to Information and Food Safety Technology Treatments" drives me to call for new papers and honorary reviewer, on behalf of Review of Economics & Finance, which is an English journal in Toronto, Canada:
In the past 12 months, Review of Economics & Finance is ranked 50 among top 2,000 peer journals worldwide (Ranked by RePEc):;citems=on;bymin=10;mrange=No;fm=;lm=;seriestype=redif-article;.cgifields=citems;.cgifields=listall;.cgifields=mrange;sortby=12d
This peer-reviewed quarterly is indexed by EconLit, American Economic Association (AEA), EBSCO, ProQuest, RePEc, National Bibliography of Canada, Library and Archives Canada, DOAJ, Ulrich, and so on.
(1) If you want to submit a new paper, please submit it by Sept. 20th, 2015.
Your paper will be published within 3-5 months from the date of submission, provided it is accepted for publication after refereeing. Two hard copies are free for you after publication.
(2) If you want to apply for an honorary reviewer, please kindly find the attached form and fill it out, then send it back.
Thank you for your consideration. Just contact us directly at [email protected] or [email protected]
Have a rewarding month!
H. Carlson
PhD. in Economics;Editor,Review of Economics & Finance
Tel: +1-647-476-3762 ext.733 Fax: +1-647-476-3762 ext. 329
Web: Page:
I had never heard of Review of Economics & (not and) Finance or BA Press so I assumed they were a potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access journal and publisher. But, I like RePEc's journals rankings and hoped that the PPPP journals haven't found a way to scam RePEc. It turns out that the top 50 link above is for file downloads and not the best way to rank a journal (AER is #99, JEEM is #536). The Review of Economics and Finance is ranked #634 on the aggregate rankings list (AER is #2 behind QJE, JEEM is #44) and my faith in RePEc is restored.
So, while I am thrilled that they find our paper interesting, I don't think I'll submit a paper or serve as an honorary reviewer.
Update: embarrassing typos and poor grammar corrected.