On Tuesday, Rentz Hilyer sent the umpteenth message on behalf of the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE):
Find ten more reasons in the fall 2014 edition of the Steady Stater<http://steadystate.org/wp-content/uploads/SteadyStater_vol7_iss2.pdf>.
CASSE is a special interest group that I've had disagreements with in the past (see here and here and here and here). I really object to CASSE spamming on the RESECON listserv (partly because the AFS stuff got personal). RESECON is the only listserv that I am still a member. All of the others devolved into ugly disagreements and spam. PERC doesn't spam RESECON, why should CASSE?
On Wednesday Marla said:
This listserv seems to be moving away from its usefulness as a platform for information exchange and unfortunately more toward promotional purposes. Can we please redirect it back to its original purpose? I get enough junk mail and promotional stuff as it is – as I’m sure most of you do as well.
And I said:
I tend to agree with Marla. Those on RESECON who are interested may join the email list of CASSE in the northeast corner at http://steadystate.org/. Maybe CASSE could remind us of this once a year?
This led to a discussion of what is useful and not useful on the listserv (job listings are useful!) and the list administrator, there is no moderator, reminded us that CASSE's spam has led to even more spam. One would hope that would have ended it.
Today, Daniel sent a message with "Please unsubscribe" in the subject line:
Please remove me from the listserv.
And then, predictably, at least 6 more have sent an similar unsubscribe message to the listserv. This was followed by a message with "Stop replying to all, please!!!! Perhaps the listserve moderator could send out his email again?" and another one with the instructions for unsubscribing.