On Monday I read this:
Negotiators eked out a global agreement to fight climate change during an environmental summit in the Peruvian capital, Lima, early Sunday. The approach taken by this agreement is quite different from that of the more familiar Kyoto Protocol. There are no formal commitments to reduce carbon emissions by a numerical target during a specific time frame. Instead, each state promises to design its own “nationally determined contribution” that “represent[s] a progression beyond the current undertaking.” There is no clear mechanism to ensure that these national efforts are meaningful nor an obvious way to enforce these self-imposed obligations.
And couldn't really think of much to say. I sent an email to my colleague Dave McEvoy, who focuses his research on international environmental agreements, with "ever thought about writing a blog post" in the subject line and "I bet you could help me understand the "Lima accord" in 2-3 paragraphs." Tuesday night I got this and posted it today.