Once again, IMHO, the AERE sessions at the SEA meetings were a big success. AERE sponsored 15 sessions, an all time high. I attended X of these and each one had an audience between 15 and 25 (with one exception). The presentations were great (i.e., I learned a lot). Most every paper received good comments and questions, hopefully improving the papers. The highlight for me (other than meeting all of the new economists) was the panel "Top Ten Tips for Young Economists: Teaching, Research and Service." The room was packed for this one (see the picture below). In case you missed it, here are the presentations (thanks to everyone for making their presentations available!):
Glenn C. Blomquist, University of Kentucky " Sayings from the Professor's Almanac"
Douglas S. Noonan, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis "Navigating the Journal Review Process"
Will Wheeler, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Grant Writing Best Practices"
Jill L. Caviglia-Harris, Salisbury University "Five Steps to a Kick-Ass Presentation"
John C. Whitehead, Appalachian State University "Academic Blogging"
The title of this post comes from Jill's kick-ass presentation (make sure to check out her "80s hair" picture).
The call for abstracts for the AERE sessions at the SEA meetings in NOLA (!) is on the AERE website [pdf].
Here is what may have been the biggest session audience during the conference: