Flood insurance in the United States is offered through the federal National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The 2005 hurricane season sent the program massively into debt to the US Treasury. As the deficit grew, Congress focused its attention on the program’s pricing policies. One focus was on the roughly 20 percent of policyholders who pay discounted premiums because their properties were built before the land was mapped as a high flood hazard area. Attention was also focused on whether the premium revenue collected from NFIP policyholders would be sufficient to pay future claims. Rate changes became the subject of congressional reform in 2012 and again in 2014.
Throughout these discussions, private sector pricing, often used interchangeably with the notion of actuarial pricing, has been used as a benchmark for NFIP rates. In addition, congressional legislation calls on the Federal Emergency Management Agency to report on how its premiums compare with what a private insurer might charge. In a new discussion paper, “Pricing Flood Insurance: How and Why the NFIP Differs from a Private Insurance Company,” we explain why, within constraints set by law, the NFIP may currently employ actuarially sound pricing principles. At the same time, because of restrictions on its pricing and operations, the NFIP is not collecting enough premium revenue to cover payouts over the long run, which would not occur with a private insurance company and creates a fiscally unsound program. Indeed, the NFIP is unlikely to be able to recover from its current debt, which now stands at roughly $24 billion. ...