The RePEc blog:
In the past weeks, CitEc, RePEc’s citation analysis website, has released new authors and series citation profiles with improved features.
Series profiles:
- Data coverage: 1990 – 2013
- New indicators: Cumulative number of documents published until year y, Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y, Cumulative impact factor.
- New graphs: Citations by publication year, cumulative citations and cumulative documents published.
Authors profiles:
- New profile layout
- New indicator: i10-index. Number of works with at least 10 citations.
- Included related authors: In addition to the co-author relationships, now we include links to researchers citing and cited by the author being analyzed
- Added a new section with recent citing documents. It is possible to identify who has cited the author in the last two years.
- New graphs: evolution of author’s h-index and citations received by publication year.
- Authors can upload a picture to complete their profiles
You can have a look at some examples of the new profiles:
This is really neat. Here are the authors that I have cited the most:
- Cameron, Trudy (73)
- Haab, Tim (47)
- Carson, Richard (37)
- Loomis, John (35)
- Groothuis, Peter (26)
- Adamowicz, Wiktor (25)
- Smith, V. (25)
- mcconnell, kenneth (25)
- Blomquist, Glenn (22)
- Shogren, Jason (19)
- Herriges, Joseph (19)
No surprises there, except maybe that Ted McConnell insists that RePEc only uses lower case.
You can also see a graph of your citations over time. Mine shows that my career peaked in 2011:
This is surprising. I would have thought my career peaked a long time ago.