Ignoring the coal ash pond spill, two things struck me:
North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory went on two national talk shows Sunday to talk about climate change and the winter storms that have iced over the state in the past two weeks. ...
Instead of focusing on global warming, McCrory said people should concentrate on keeping the air and water clean. ...
But environmental protection must also strike a delicate balance with economic development, McCrory told host Bob Schieffer. ...
Both shows also spoke to the governor about the two winter storms that battered North Carolina over the past two weeks. McCrory pointed out the beautiful North Carolina sun was out and the weather was going to warm this week. He also thanked public employees that worked hard to keep people safe.
"It about depleted our budget. It's also going to have an impact on our economy in North Carolina because people were stuck inside and not spending money," McCrory said of the storms on "Face the Nation."
Govenor McCrory:
- See post title (if you have a better sun than we do, prove it!)
- Once people get back outside they end up spending that money. I doubt if there is anything but a small temporal effect on the economy (i.e., you can't use the weather as an excuse to say that tax collections are too low to give state employees small raises).
Update: I've read this again and am in serious distress. The "stuck inside" comment indicates a serious misunderstanding of how an economy works. One would think that the cash in one's pocket disintegrates unless it is refreshed by exposure to a market or two.