It's like I walked up to one of my colleagues and said, "John, I'm writing this paper soon ... I'd be delighted if you would join me as a co-author!" And then I said, "Yes, I would be pleased to be a co-author on your paper!" And then my colleague clears his/her throat and says "Excuse me while I get started on that paper!" And then I say, "I understand [insert name of brand new assistant professor] ... I'm looking forward to proof reading the completed paper before we submit it to a journal!" And every sentence of this sort of conversation is exclamatory.
When I first read this, wanting to learn more about the "Oil Exploration Act," it was obvious to me that the speech balloon was from Mark Trail. I *think* I'm wrong, I think the Senator's daughter is inviting Mark to dinner and the speech ballon just couldn't reach Anne Marie, but I'm still not totally sure. Mark Trail is a confident man.
And I know, I know, I'm stealing the Comics Curmudgeon's schtick but I can't help myself.