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We are very pleased to present you with the first issue of our new journal, Water Resources & Economics. All articles published in this journal, will be freely available for the first year via ScienceDirect.Here is an interesting paragraph from the Editor-in-Chief's Editorial:
Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Roy Brouwer sees an important role for the journal in providing scientific information about the economic costs and benefits of water use and management: 'Economics is one of the most prominent emerging disciplines associated to water resources research. The journal addresses the financial and economic dimensions affecting the use of water resources, be it water extraction, pollution, floods or allocation, across different economic sectors like agriculture, energy, industry and urban water supply as well as between local, regional and transboundary river basins.'
In the build-up of this first issue, a number of important links were established with the help of the journal’s international editorial board. The journal Water Resources and Economics is scientifically linked to the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE). One of the EAERE Board Members is a valuable member of our editorial board. Water Resources and Economics endorses the aims of this international scientific association, and aspires to uphold the same quality standards as the EAERE’s official journal Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE). This implies that we have been very critical in the screening and selection of the first papers that were submitted to the journal since its online launch in the second half of 2012. The rejection rate in the first 6 months has been high (75% including desk rejections) to ensure a high quality of the papers published in this new journal from the start. This is a risky choice for a new journal, but one which we decided is worth taking to clearly position ourselves in the existing wide range of academic water related journals. We wish to publish papers of outstanding quality, also if this means less issues every year and consequently that it will perhaps take longer to establish a name for our journal. The papers submitted to the journal need to clearly focus on the economics of water resources and their management, apply sound economic methods and contain novelty that distinguishes them from the existing literature. This is the niche we are looking for in the growing market of water and environmental economics oriented journals. We do not compete for articles with journals like ERE, we aim to build up a niche of outstanding, high quality papers in the specific domain of water economics.