Awesome response from a potential JEM referee:
Dear Prof. John C. Whitehead,
Reviewer [name redacted] has declined the invitation to review this manuscript. The reviewer has provided the following comments:
Due to the fact of raising costs for your journals especially for institutions like universities, while simultaneously rooting your business in using authors and reviewers from the sciences not being charged, I decided to do no more free of charge reviewing for Elsevier journals.
I can offer you reviewing articles for 80 Euro/ hour.
Please note that the biggest sort of freebie for the academic publishing industry is content. I have no idea about this particular researcher, but my guess is that those who put forward this sort of highly principled response to a review request aren't so rigid when it comes to submitting papers to for-profit journals (or if the review request is from JEEM or REE). The difference is, reviewing papers is a public good with only a single line on your vita that no one cares about. Submitting papers generates many more private benefits.