A bill that would have banned commercial fisherman from catching and selling puppy drum, speckled trout and striped bass will not be passed by the General Assembly this session.
Rep. Paul Tine, D-Dare, said Wednesday the gamefish bill would not make it out of a House committee because of opposition from Democrats and Republicans. ...
House Bill 983, introduced by Rep. Tom Murry, R-Wake, and Rep. Michael Wray, D-Northampton, would have only allowed recreational catches of the three popular species with hook-and-line. It also would have compensated commercial fisherman for losses and funded inlet dredging projects. ...
Attempts to pass similar measures in the 2009 and 2011 sessions also failed.
“This bill pitted the recreational interests against the commercial fisherman, the consumer, the fish houses, the restaurants and the seafood stores,” Tine said.
The choke price is the price that is so high that quantity demanded is equal to zero. In a recreational-commercial allocation model, the marginal values of each catch face off and the allocation should be set where they are equal. So, is where the marginal value curves hit the vertical axes the choke values? If that is what we can call it then this decision indicates that the choke value for gamefish must be really high (at least politically).