From the Congressional Progressive Caucus "Back to Work" Budget (I love these Hollywood titles on legislative proposals!):
We can no longer afford to ignore our responsibility to future generations to address climate change before it is irreversible. The Back to Work Budget would impose on polluters a $25 per ton price on carbon dioxide (increasing at 5.6% a year), rebating 25% of all revenues as refundable credits to protect low income families. The Energy Information Administration found that a similar proposal would result in carbon emissions reductions of 26% below 2005 levels by 2020. This would go a long way toward setting the United States on a path to avoid increasingly extreme and destructive weather, particularly when combined with air pollution controls measures under the Clean Air Act and enhanced energy efficiency.
The Economic Policy Institute says that:
Net of this rebate, carbon pricing would raise over $1.1 trillion of revenue over FY2014–2023.
What's not to like?