Unlike Tom Batiuk, I strive to keep my personal opinions out of my “writing”. But since he insists on preaching to us (through Jim the Science Guy) about climate change (I don’t call it global warming), I’m going to vent a little “greenhouse gas” here myself: I’m one of “those people” who do not believe that the planet is irreversibly heating up, even after the just-ended record-warm winter (which I, not being a winter sportsman, enjoyed the hell out of). There is at least as much credible scientific opinion to disprove climate change as there is to prove it.
That’s my opinion, and you, dear reader, are welcome to your own. On to today’s strip. We find Cory actually awake and paying attention in class (because even Cory is concerned about Global Warming). He shares that he “heard someone on the radio” (these kids and their radios these days, am I right?) call Global Warming “a hoax”. Cory gives a sly, demure tilt of his head, as if to say “Gee, Mr. Kablichnik, that feller on the radio can’t be right…can he? Say it ain’t so, Jim.” Jim wearily throws up his hands; he’s heard the deniers (such fools!), and sets Cory, and the rest of us, straight.
I'm always amazed, by what criteria are you basing your skepticism about climate science? Do your daily temperature observations (that go back a number of years) fail to detect an upward trend? What statistical techniques are you using? What other scientific consensuses (consenses?) are you also skeptical about (e.g., law of demand)? When did science become opinion? Why do you so hate Funky Winkerbean?
Note: Thanks again, sarc, to Will Wheeler for introducing me to the Comics Curmudgeon which led to Son of Stuck Funky. I used to enjoy reading the comics.