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September 30 Michael Price (University of Tennessee) "Are There 'Hidden Costs' of Control in Naturally Occurring Markets: Evidence from Field Experiments" Supplemental Material
"Are There 'Hidden Costs' of Control in Naturally Occurring Markets: Evidence from Field Experiments"
Supplemental Material
via www.business.appstate.edu
Submit your pointed questions for Mike in the comments section and I'll try to bring them up during the seminar.
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John C. Whitehead, Timothy C. Haab and Ju-Chin Huang: Preference Data for Environmental Valuation
Timothy C. Haab and Kenneth E. McConnell: Valuing Environmental and Natural Resources
Timothy C. Haab and John C. Whitehead: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: An Encyclopedia
John C. Bergstrom and John C. Whitehead: Teaching Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: Paradigms and Pedagogy