Double down?
The bankruptcy of California-based Solyndra underscores the need for the United States to double down on investments in clean energy, Jonathan Silver, the executive director of the Energy Department’s Loan Programs Office, will argue Wednesday during an oversight hearing in front of a House Energy and Commerce Committee panel.
Another definition of "double down" is to double your bet. If you are playing blackjack you double your bet and ask for another card when you have a good chance of succeeding with the next card.
This seems to be quite different from the current context, where the government tried to pick a winner in the renewable energy market and failed. Back to the context of blackjack ... we might be holding a losing hand, say a 10 and 7, and then decide to double down even though we are likely to lose.
Note: It might also be similar to doubling the fiscal stimulus when the first one didn't really work.