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SSRN recently released our Purchase Bound Hard Copy Service. Authors and readers can now order printed copies of select papers in the SSRN eLibrary, which provides another format for users to access research papers. The Free One-Click Download option is not affected by this new service.
For $9.99 plus shipping, the reader will receive a black and white printed and "perfect bound" copy of the PDF document with a glossy color cover. The cover includes the title of the paper, and the authors with their affiliations. A sample cover and additional details about the Purchase Bound Hard Copy service, including details on which papers are eligible, are available on our FAQ.
We invite you to try this new service and share your experience with us.
In the old days, working papers were printed out and bound by departments who wished to distribute them in a more formal way. These days you print the PDF, read the paper and then recycle it. Why would anyone want to pay $10+ for fancy binding? Unless you wanted to show your mom your excellent paper (and, yes, I'm looking at you Tim).