On this new album, out on Oct 12 from New West, anthems are a plenty. Also, few songs this year will boast a more sweeping, joyous and perfectly-suited chorus than “A State of Texas.” Even though Miller and bass player Murray Hammond are no longer residents of the Lone Star State, it’s made clear on this standout track that one’s mailing address doesn’t define where one’s soul lives.
Miller’s trademark wit and clever wordplay also finds its proper place, up front and center. “Every Night is Friday Night (Without You)” and “Champaign, Illinois” are, quite simply, killer, alt-country classics. Throughout the twelve song collection, blasting beats and urgent guitar command their share of attention, as well.
For those of you who eagerly anticipate my annual top 10 albums list (and I'm quite sure that between 1 and 5 readers are somewhat likely to eagerly anticipate it [at the least, in order to storm off in a huff about the number of off-topic posts]), The Grand Theatre is a likely #1 or #2. *I pre-ordered from Amazon a month or two ago and I won't be able to sleep until it arrives.