From the inbox:
On Sept. 29, 2010, the website will transfer to
You are receiving this e-mail because at one time you signed up to receive e-mail notifications from the Deepwater Horizon Response website. While the response to clean-up and limit environmental damage from the spill continues, ongoing recovery and restoration work will grow. Therefore the website will continue to bring you important information about the federal government's efforts and we will cease using the site. will use a new system to distribute e-mail alerts.
IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE to receive e-mail alerts and news about the BP oil spill and the ongoing administration-wide response, take no action and you will keep getting your subscription.
IF YOU WANT TO STOP getting e-mail alerts, please opt out now and your information will be removed from the distribution.
Anyone who has not opted out of e-mail by Friday, Sept. 24, 2010, will have their account moved to the domain.
Between May 24 and today I had received over 600 Deepwater Horizon emails!