A trio of influential multinational corporations have decamped from the U.S. Climate Action Partnership, a 3-year-old lobby group, citing mounting concerns over the direction of climate change legislation, particularly concessions to the politically-influential coal sector.
In separate statements, BP America, ConocoPhillips and Caterpillar all announced they were discontinuing their membership in the group, which includes chief executives from several corporate giants as well as influential environmental organizations like The Nature Conservancy and Environmental Defense. ...
U.S.C.A.P.’s Blueprint for Legislative Action, released in January, 2009, called for a federal cap-and-trade system, significant allocation of free allowances, carbon capture and storage incentives, and a mid-term emissions reduction goal of 80 to 86 percent of 2005 levels by 2020.
via greeninc.blogs.nytimes.com
I was optimistic about cap-and-trade in 2009. I'm pessimistic about that and a carbon tax in 2010-20??. I blame Greg Mankiw.*
*Just horsing around with that last sentence.