South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham—the R in the D/R/I Senate’s tripartisan climate bill sandwich known as Kerry, Graham and Lieberman—is declaring the death of cap and trade in this New York Times article:
“Realistically, the cap-and-trade bills in the House and the Senate are going nowhere,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who is trying to fashion a bipartisan package of climate and energy measures. “They’re not business-friendly enough, and they don’t lead to meaningful energy independence.”
Mr. Graham said the public was demanding that any energy legislation from Washington focus on creating jobs, whether by drilling for offshore oil or building wind turbines.
“What is dead is some massive cap-and-trade system that regulates carbon in a fashion that drives up energy costs,” he said.
Not ready to let that be the last word, Sen. John Kerry told a clean energy forum cap and trade’s obituary is premature:
We have not scaled back our goals, they are the same,” Kerry said. “We have not recalibrated some lesser approach that is only energy or only this or that … We have to price carbon in order to get the marketplace moving properly.
What was it that Mark Twain said about rumors of his death being greatly exaggerated?