Klaus Ritzberger* gives journals grades. Econometrica, QJE, JPE, AER and 6 others get an A+ ("top journals"), REStat, JLE, IER and 12 others get As ("excellent journals"). The first environmental economics journal, JEEM, shows up near the top of the B list ("good journals"). Here are all of the journals that environmental economists might consider submitting papers (excluding general interest journals):
- B ("good journals"): Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
- C+ ("solid journals"): Resource and Energy Economics, Energy Journal, Land Economics, American Journal of Agricultural Economics
- C ("minor journals"): Environmental and Resource Economics, Ecological Economics, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
I'm proud to say that I've had a paper rejected from all but one of these journals. That lone lucky journal has not yet received a submission.
*Klaus Ritzberger, "A ranking of journals in economics and related fields," German Economic Review 9(4):402-430, 2008 [pdf].
Hat tip: WW