First, congrats to Jay! Here is a bit from the journal announcement:
Jason Shogren has left an indelible impact on the profession of agricultural and applied economics. ...Prior to his appointment at his alma mater, he held positions at Appalachian State, Yale, and Iowa State Universities. ...
... he enjoys fishing and performing with his hard acoustic roots band (
Funny story. I'm on the job market and interviewing with Appalachian State at the SEA meetings in San Antonio, November 1989* (or was it the ASSAs? Anyway, doesn't matter). App is one of my dream jobs and I hear that some great environmental guy is down there. Shogren and Larry Ellis, then chair and our interim chair last year, were in the interview room and things are going great. Until, Shogren asks me about incorporating uncertainty in my model. I explain that I only have funding for four years of graduate study, I'm hoping to defend in 6 months, incorporating uncertainty would take too long and I don't think it is a big deal anyway. After leaving I'm wondering if that was the wrong answer ...
Later that day I'm in the elevator, Shogren gets on and is talking with a buddy. The buddy asks, "have you interviewed anyone any good?" (or something like that). My ears perk up as Shogren goes down the list. I cringe and get sucked into the elevator wall as he doesn't mention Whitehead.
I guess I got the last laugh 15 years later!
*There was an active SEA job market until the recession of the early 1990s killed it.