The OSU Extension Climate Change team is putting together a series of webinars for Ohio citizens and other interested parties to provide information about key topics related to climate change. These topics include:
- Scientific data on climate change
- The implications of climate change for Ohio's flora and fauna
- The implications of climate change for Ohio's agriculture and forestry industries
- Analysis of policies to mitigate climate change
Climate Change and Ohio's Economy: Implications of Cap and Trade for Ohioans
Presenters: Ellen Mosley-Thompson, Tom Blaine, Brent Sohngen, Tim Haab, Bill Stanley
"Understanding Global Climate and Environmental Change" presented by by Ellen Mosley-Thompson.
"Climate Change: Outlook for Ohio to 2050" presented by Tom Blaine. File: blaine_ohio_climate_change_to_2050.ppt (PPT 114 KB)
"What is cap and trade? What do legislative proposals currently in Congress say about it?" presented by Brent Sohngen. File: sohngen_cap_and_trade.ppt (PPT 1.2 MB)
"Cap and Trade and Ohio" presented by Tim Haab. File: haab_cap_and_trade_and_ohio.ppt (PPT 1.7 MB)
"What's in it for agriculture and forests?" presented by Bill Stanley. File: stanley_offsets_agforestry.ppt (PPT 1.6 MB)