Did you ever cite this one? I've seen it all over the place:
Carson, R.T., W.M. Hanemann, and T. Wegge. Southcentral Alaska Sport Fishing Economic Study. Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc., report to Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1987.
I never have because I never had access to the report or "widely circulated" working paper. But I'm not on the outside looking in anymore. Here is the updated citation with a new Forward that gives some background to the research effort and explains why the paper was never published (a bit of perfectionism, I think, plus a gold-plated CVM study got in the way):
Carson, Richard T., W. Michael Hamemann and Thomas C. Wegge, "A Nested Logit Model of Recreational Fishing Demand in Alaska," Marine Resource Economics, 24(2):101-131, 2009.
And don't miss the Preface by George Parsons and Jim Anderson for some of the inside story behind getting this famous underground study published.
Here is the link to the journal: http://mre.cels.uri.edu/MRE_CJourList.aspx. The paper isn't up at AgEcon Search yet.