Here is the link. Don't bother looking for but here is what they say about our arch-rival:
Environmental and Urban Economics
Originality: 3 light bulbs
Geekiness: 2 calculators
Readability: 5 reading glasses
UCLA's Matthew Kahn is a bright light among economists studying environmental and urban issues, but in his blog -- and despite its name -- he often strays. That doesn't matter much since he has a breezy writing style that puts most other econobloggers to shame. Every once and a while he does some number crunching to come up with answers to the sort of questions that occasionally plague us, like do celebrities stars get better prices for their homes than the rest of us. (In Los Angeles, yes, but the "fame" premium isn't very high.) Among the more serious fare, thinking about how foreclosures affect a neighborhood.
Quibble: He's hardly the only offender, but sometimes Mr. Kahn cuts and pastes an entire newspaper article into a post, rather than just offering a tidbit and a link. Plus, at those times when you don't have much to say, CTRL+C is not the answer.