From RFF Press:
Tushaar Shah
December 2008
"Likely to have a significant impact, both on decisionmaking and future research in the region. The book is the best assessment and analysis of irrigated agriculture in South Asia that exists...South Asia can be seen as a proving ground for the groundwater boom and bust cycles that will inevitably play themselves out in other regions." --Christopher Scott, University of Arizona
"Very likely to be a book that will significantly shape the debate on India's irrigation economy, particularly the groundwater economy. The book will push many people to think 'outside of their box.'" - Peter P. Mollinga, University of Bonn
Here's the deal: I'll send you the book if you read it and provide us a review. If interested, please send me an email.
Update: The book has been claimed!
Note: We have some reviews overdue ... let me know how these are going ... please!