“By correcting these violations, Invista will reduce harmful air pollution by nearly 10,000 tons per year,” said Catherine R. McCabe, Acting Assistant Administrator of EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. “Invista is making a clean start in a settlement that achieves significant environmental benefits, and we encourage other new owners to do the same.”
...The emission reductions resulting from correcting these violations will result in estimated annual human health benefits valued at over $325 million, including 30 fewer premature deaths per year, 2,000 fewer days/year when people would miss school or work, and over 9,000 fewer cases of upper and lower respiratory symptoms.
I'm thinking there are more benefits somewhere* because $501.7 million cost > $325 million in health benefits.
CORRECTION: Reader Matt kindly pointed out my idiocy. The $325 million is annual. At 10% interest that's $3.25B in total health benefits. And according to my finely tuned math senses that's more than $501.7 million in cost.
*Or self-reported violations aren't subject to BCA?