I realized recently that we haven't been getting questions submitted to the never dull Answer Desk. When I checked the Answer Desk link to the left I noticed that the time limit had expired for comments on the link and there was no place to submit a question. Knowing that there are millions* of you out there with pressing questions that only we can answer, I asked John if he could think of a solution (as you all know, he's the real brains behind this operation). Anyway, as usual, he asked 'how high?' when I asked him to jump and the link is fixed.
So the Env-Econ Answer Desk is open for business again**. Tell your friends, classmates, parents, in-laws. No question is off-limits and no question too stupid (but keep in mind the answers may be stupid). Ask away.
*or one
**Really I've been lacking in post ideas lately and I'm looking for you to save me before the*** Hammer of John comes down on me for being an anchor around his neck.
***Mixed metaphor warning.