So, anything new happening with you? Not much going on here at CT, except that within six weeks we’ve lost the mighty brain trust that built this blog from the ground up. As a result, you may have noticed a drop in the volume of posts. The new management (Josh and Danny) wants you to know that we are not going anywhere. CT will continue to be an outlet for young, starry-eyed environmental economists to post their thoughts and observations and foment discussions with far more learned individuals floating around the blogosphere. We’re currently recruiting some new blood to provide some different perspectives from outside the beltway, as well as gearing up to provide more of our own brand of irreverent commentary, so you might notice a few changes over the next couple weeks.
Welcome to the conversation. And hopefully if you decide to issue a drinking challenge to your elders, you will at least have the decency to pick a bar that's, oh I don't know, OPEN!?