My first post at The Energy Collective as an Advisory Blogger Board Member begins like this:
This is my first of a series of monthly original posts for The Energy Collective. I’m really looking forward to this gig since I think I’ll be able take a broader view of environmental and energy economics, relative to the day-to-day grind of nimble little blog posts. To kick things off I’d like to do some soul searching and examine one of the puzzles I’ve confronted since I’ve been blogging. Why are environmental economists so wildly unpopular with the public (i.e., blog readers … the only “public” I really know)? Next to financial economists, those goofs who don’t know a bubble when it is about to pop in their faces, environmental economists are likely some of the most disliked economists around. Always taking some sort of middle ground, environmental economists are not green enough for environmentalists and too green for business people. Why is that?
You've got to go to TEC to read the rest. Go there now (you may need to register). And hurry.