Mankiw's blog reminded me to check Rate My Professor. Here is a couple I'd like to feature:
Haha, he is such a humorous towel. I took this class because I love cost benefit analysis and someone actually recommended Whitehead to me. He definitely doesn't prepare for class, but I guess as an economist I would not either. Gotta maximize return per unit of effort. It's hard to calculate for Dr. W because that ratio is undefined, but he is goo [sic]
This guy is such a tool! He's so full of himself and wants you to bow down. He goes off on strange tangents and doesn't have actual lecture plans and wings it. You rely heavily on the book but the book isn't enough for his tests. I guess he knows what he's talking about but needs an ego check.
What can I say? I'm a full of myself towel tool in need of an ego check. Neither student thinks I prepare for my classes (which is what I tell them because my brain is so scattered and I can't somehow seem to lecture in an outline sort of way which is really embarrassing so I boast that I don't prepare but I do but it doesn't show which is really embarrassing).
Regarding the book isn't enough for his tests comment. I use the Mankiw text and the Mankiw testbank. Those testbank writers really need to chill on that outside the book material (sarc level three).