And now I'm back. And here is my best story:
Standing in a Starbucks in Silver Spring, Maryland with ... let's say, Jim and Jack (not their real names) on Wednesday I get a small coffee for $1.75. I give the barista a $5 bill and the barista hands me three $1 bills and a $1 coin (shiny!). I turn to Jim and Jack and smugly say "Watch how honest I am." I tell the barista that he gave me a dollar coin when it should have been a quarter. When the cash register opens again the barista takes the dollar coin and hands me a $1 bill. I remark that I'm going to be really honest and hand back the dollar. Jack remarks that if he gives me four quarters I should just walk, hahahahah, etc ... the barista gives me four quarters and I walk! I still can't stop laughing.