See Ken Acks' take on the green-jobs-are-bogus debate at Environmental Valuation and Cost-Benefit News:
Recently we have reported on several studies estimating green job potential. These studies seem to be rolling off the presses faster than the demand for bailouts. These reports include the following ...
EVCBN then lists 13 pieces, 12 of which are from (which seems to require a password). Then:
For a healthy dose of skepticism we refer you to the Environmental Economics blog by John Whitehead and Tim Haab at for example ...
EVCBN then lists several pieces by, er me. Then this:
Whitehead posts the time trend of employment in the U.S. from the BLS's Current Employment Survey:
Are any of the dips caused by a lack of targeted environmental policy? I'll send a free "Drive Less!" bumper sticker to the first person who shows me empirical evidence that the U.S. loses jobs from expiration of renewable energy tax credits or some such policy using appropriate econometric methods and the 1946-2007 employment data (I'll send the spreadsheet if you don't want to hassle with the cut and paste):
Followed by this:
The truth may very well lie somewhere in the middle, or not. In any case we will try to track future developments. If these reports do not "send chills down the spine" responsible doctors would recommend that you should take them with a "grain of salt"