In 2009 I resolve to:
- Lose 10 pounds
- Refrain from using "main street" and "wall street" in the same sentence
- Get more exercise
- Discount, by 50%, any pseudonymous comment on my posts and only reply with the pseudonym "Lonewolf" or "Publious"
- Eat less fatty foods
- Completely ignore anonymous comments on my posts
- Drive less
- Spend more quality time with my kids (e.g., sitting next to them on couch [i.e., laptop and TV])
- Publish a paper in the AER, JPE or QJE
- Win a prestigious award or two (some sort of "best paper" award would qualify)
A number of these are out of reach (#9, 6, 10, 1, 4) and the others are quite difficult. I may simply focus on #2 as my official resolution, since it was way easy to achieve my 2008 resolution -- avoid using "tipping point" -- and #8.